Pavlos was a highly regarded and prolific scholar, publishing widely in the area of international entrepreneurship and SMEs. His work on micro-multinationals was pioneering. His research has been very influential and received several thousand citations, significantly advancing our knowledge of phenomena at the intersection of IB and IE. However, Pavlos stood out for his modesty, not seeking accolades for himself but sharing the credit with others. Furthermore, his passion for, and support and guidance of, doctoral students and early career researchers has made a major contribution to the development of the next generation of IB/IE researchers.
We will organize an event in the forthcoming AIB UK&I conference to celebrate the achievements of Pavlos as well as a remembrance book to enable colleagues to write their memories of Pavlos, which will be treasured by his wife Lyudmyla and his young daughter Jorcina, and all who knew him. We will never forget Pavlos. His memory will live on and he will always have a special place in our hearts. AIB UK&I Board
Scholars from the field of International Business and other related disciplines Archives
November 2024
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