Elected officers of AIB UK & Ireland Chapter
Call for expression of interests
The AIB UK & Ireland Chapter is seeking expression of interests to fill the position as Doctoral Convenor.
The Doctoral Convenor, in conjunction with the Conference Organizer, shall be responsible for the Doctoral Colloquium held at the Conference, and shall promote, in collaboration with the Chair and the other members of the Executive Committee, initiatives to foster participation of doctoral students to the activities of the Chapter.
The Doctoral Convenor is elected for a period of three years (renewable once), they must be AIB members in-good-standing, working or residing within the United Kingdom or Ireland and whose primary AIB affiliation is with the United Kingdom and Ireland Chapter.
The appointment of the new Doctoral Convenor will be proposed by the Executive Committee to the AIB-UKI members at the General Assembly of meeting at the Annual Conference, to be held at the Adam Smith Business School of the University of Glasgow on 13-15 April 2023.
Expression of interests should be sent by email to the Chapter Secretary, Noemi Sinkovics ([email protected]) together with a short (3-page CV) not later than Friday 7 April 2023.
The Doctoral Convenor, in conjunction with the Conference Organizer, shall be responsible for the Doctoral Colloquium held at the Conference, and shall promote, in collaboration with the Chair and the other members of the Executive Committee, initiatives to foster participation of doctoral students to the activities of the Chapter.
The Doctoral Convenor is elected for a period of three years (renewable once), they must be AIB members in-good-standing, working or residing within the United Kingdom or Ireland and whose primary AIB affiliation is with the United Kingdom and Ireland Chapter.
The appointment of the new Doctoral Convenor will be proposed by the Executive Committee to the AIB-UKI members at the General Assembly of meeting at the Annual Conference, to be held at the Adam Smith Business School of the University of Glasgow on 13-15 April 2023.
Expression of interests should be sent by email to the Chapter Secretary, Noemi Sinkovics ([email protected]) together with a short (3-page CV) not later than Friday 7 April 2023.